Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paper Crochet

This week is all about crochet! We started with an interview with Vickie Howell, followed that up with a book review and give away of Vickie's new book Pop Goes Crochet and today I wanted to show you a few more unusual ways you can crochet.

Back when I was still knocked up this week's crochet star Vickie Howell gave me a refresher course on crochet. We spent the day getting me started on an afghan for Tallulah and she made a pair of booties for her bundle of joy. I only know a few stitches at this point, but I feel I am ready to move on and conquer something a little more mixed media, something a little more exciting than a baby blanket, something involving paper I think.

What really set me off was when I saw these uber amazing dresses made from old greeting cards by Robyne Melia. I wish the kitty one was adult size and lord knows I have enough cards from baby showers to whip up the second dress.

So if I really wanted my own crocheted kitty card dress all I would have to do is hop over to Craftster for a tutorial from Kitty Creates. Kitty whipped up a dress made from Uno cards that really got my creative wheels turning. I have a deck of vintage cards with nudie ladies on them that would work amazingly for this project. I can see the dress now with a glittery silver or gold tinsel yarn for an extra trashy effect.

Perhaps I should start with a smaller project like a decorative box or vessel. I have seen these around at flea markets for years and always coveted their tackiness. I remember my great aunts had trash cans around their house made from crocheted cards.

Another possibility are cards with crocheted edges. If I start now maybe I can get all my Christmas cards done by December. I jest, but I do enjoy these cards with their fun fabric edges. I discovered this project on Craft Stylish and the full how-to and picture is from Thimbleanna.

So many choices it is hard to decide where to start. Looks like all I need is a hole punch, cards and crochet supplies and I am off to a good start. Have you ever crocheted paper?

In case you were wondering I did eventually finish that afghan I was working on with Vickie, Tallulah seems to enjoy it.


  1. Not yet, but I am IN LOVE with these projects... Oh, the ideas that are spinning in my brain. Thanks for the post!!


  2. Wow, those are fantastic. Love the skirt made of playing cards!

  3. tracey4:36 PM

    I have a chair made out of cards, but I LOVE Those dresses...I NEED one of those dresses..
    I am having severe coveting right now..

  4. Okay! You got me. I am determined to try something with paper. I'm thinking maybe a box type of thingy. I love boxes, one of a kind boxes. I think I'll make one!

  5. Wonder if the Uno card dress/skirt can be dry cleaned?

  6. I love this post. The uno card dress is to die for. I want one for myself. This has definately inspired me, and reminds me of the hats my grandmother used to make from clorox bottles and crochet. I reblogged this at my place. here is a link if you'd like to see it. happy creating and the baby is beautiful too by the way

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Those boxes are gorgeous! Now I really want to learn how to crochet just to make those.

  8. LyndaK12:11 PM

    I used to have one of those boxes that my grandma made. It's gone now, and so is she, but I would love to find a pattern to make one. Any ideas where to look?

  9. Lynda those links are to Ebay auctions for the patterns to make those boxes. If those auctions have ended I'm sure there are others on there.

    Becky I just left the Blanton, looked for you in the gift shop but to no avail.

    Lovely - I have no idea about cleaning that dress. It would have to be dry cleaned if anything or you would just have to be really careful to not get dirty when you wear it.

    Lissa thanks for the repost. I think my great aunts used to make things out of old bleach bottles. HAve you seen the book The Craftster Guide to Kitschy Crafts? It has all kinds of fun stuff like this.

  10. You and Vickie look so cute together! Yes Tallulah does look like she enjoys the blanket. awesome on the lights i'm so making me some this weekend and next weekend too. I have got some awesome ideas floating too add to it...will take pics and show you. xoxo

  11. Thank you for the mention! I'm honored! That project really was a lot of fun, and it was actually surprisingly easy. My crochet skills are pretty minimal, but it mostly uses basic stitches and common sense.

  12. Your blog is so very cool! Those card dresses are amazing. I have been trying to teach myself how to crochet. I have to keep trying. I made some crooked coasters and a weird pillow for my daughter in blue. Now, she likes orange instead.

  13. omg, I had a crocheted card 'bowl' thing on my dresser when I was a kid. I think it came from my Grandma. hmmm, might just have to try making one now myself. Thanks for reminding me. ;)
