Friday, June 17, 2011

Playing Twister with a Toddler

Tallulah has been obsessed with playing games lately. Every day I am racking (or is it wracking?) my brain for new and exciting "games" for her to play. Recently I busted out the Twister mat that has not seen the light of day in years. I think there was even beer spilled on it from some pre-kid party so that really shows you how much Twister we play around here. Anywhoo, we are not talking about my lack of adult fun we are talking about my abundance of kid fun today. Tallulah did not quite get the part about spinning the dial and putting a foot here and a hand there. She is only 2 after all and frankly I still often get my left and right confused. She does however know her colors like nobody's business. A Twister mat and a pile of colorful toys turned into a color sorting par-tay. No beer was spilled at this party, maybe a little apple juice, but an equal amount of fun was had by all.

This got me to thinking about Twister and possible other toddler friendly uses for the mat. I'm already thinking slip and slide of some sort. You could also cut it up and make it into a toddler craft smock or line it for a bib? Ever play Twister with your toddler? I need game ideas people. Help a mother out.

Those clever folks at Real Simple reused a Twister mat as a table cloth. I would have gone for more colorful party decor to match the table cloth, but that's just me.

I've seen a couple of different versions of Twister mats painted on grass like this one by Sassy Style. If only I had a yard (or grass) big enough. I have dreamed of grass like this since I saw Austin's polka dot house.

Last but not least I thought I would show you a picture of my dining room before I re-did it. Yup I guess I kinda had a built in Twister mat.


  1. Tallulah is getting sooo big, wow! What a fun game Twister is, I am sure in a few more months she will totally understand the game but using it as a color coordinator isn't too bad either :)

  2. Hallo,
    das twisterspiel auf den Rasen zu machen, eine phantastische Idee.
    Und dein Esszimmer, ist eine Wucht. Toll.
    Liebe Grüße Christiane

  3. Thanks for popping by my blog - I couldn't resist a peek at yours given the title!

    Twister spots also come in packs - 4 x 5 coloured flexible discs which work brilliantly on any surface for all sorts of activities in addition to twister.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Hey! I love you blog---I'm such a lurker.

    My 2 1/2 year old is also really into games. If, that is, you can call those weirdo toddler activities 'games'.

    To get her to help clean up and make it fun, I take big bins or baskets, and put a piece of construction paper on the front in a bright color, like red, yellow, blue, green, etc. Then, we PLAY Color-Coded-Clean-Up. She puts all the toys (blocks, dolls, ponies, whatever) in the basket with the corresponding color. She helps clean and learn colors at the same time. More crafting time for me---weeehooo!

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I meant YOUR blog, not 'you blog'.

  6. cool ideas from a cool mom!! xo!!

  7. What a great idea! I don't have an old twister mat, but I do have a lot of felt! Thinking maybe I can make a felt version to use for colour sorting with Kieran. Will update when this happens.

    I also love Laura's color coded clean up idea! Genius!
