Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Austin Adventures - Children's Day Art Park

I have had the Children's Day Art Park on my calendar for months! Today the summer festivities get kicked off. Every Wednesday in June and July for just 50 cents per kiddo you hear local musicians, visit the instrument petting zoo, get read a story and more. Sometimes there is even free ice cream, balloons and clowns. For 50 cents how can you beat that! Here is this year's line up....

June 8…Roy Lozano’s Ballet Folklorico
June 15…Beto y los Fairlanes
June 22…Joe McDermott
June 29…Jon Emory’s Teddy Bear Picnic ( Bring Your Bear)
July 6…No Children’s Day ( Hope you had a Happy July 4th!)
July 13…Staci Gray
July 20…Biscuit Brothers
July 27…Lucas Miller

Tallulah is going through a phase where she loves to talk about instruments, dance, listen to music and pretend to be in a band as she shouts "I totally rock". I think she will enjoy the event put on by the Austin Symphony Orchestra even more this year. The one bummer is that if memory serves you can not bring your strollers into Symphony Square Amphitheatre. Chasing Tallulah around while wearing a 3 month old might prove to be tricky, but I'm sure worth the hassle.

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