Monday, March 22, 2010

Austin Adventures - Star of Texas Rodeo Roundup!!!

Well I didn't get to see any Mutton Bustin' or Whiplash the monkey riding dog, but the rodeo was buckets of fun anyway. I'm seriously considering going back tomorrow night sans Tallulah to see The Doobie Brothers. If Michael McDonald was singing with them there would be no question about it. Anyway back to the rodeo. I took a few pictures to show you everything in it's full glory.

Here we are at the gates, 3 exclamation points really hammers home the message of Let's Rodeo!!! Tallulah is sporting one of her two cowgirl hats I packed. Learn how to make your own version right here.

I have to say sheep pupils completely freak me out. There was a livestock show for us to peruse. It was good for Tallulah to put a face to the animals we always read about in her pet and learn books.

Tallulah Fawn gets to pet a real life fawn. Where was this picture last month when I was going overboard on the fawn themed birthday party?

It's been awhile since I was this up close and personal with a longhorn.

The petting zoo was free so we went through twice. There were goats, deer, kangaroos, llamas and more. At one point a goat walked up and nibbled Tallulah's shoe right off her foot.

Not only were there all kinds of meat on a stick options, there was also my fave Creamalot. I opted for a bag of cotton candy which later disagreed with me and made me miss my needle felting class at Stitch Lab.

My favorite part of the Star of Texas rodeo was by far the picture of Tallulah riding the pony. My sister Hope had convinced me to buy an airbrushed, feather banded, circa 1984 cowboy hat at the thrift store just for our trip to the rodeo. Lord do I owe her a big thank you because when I saw that pony standing in front of a cheap fake Grand Canyon backdrop wild rodeo horses could not have kept me from getting a picture. Less than 24 hours later and you bet this bad boy is already framed and hanging on a wall.


  1. Chris "8 Seconds" Boehk12:55 PM

    Too bad the 2 pound burger cost $18 ($19 with cheese). I think I might attempt this at home.

  2. How did I miss the picture booth?!?!!? Next year. Looks like you all had fun.

  3. Katy I only did the photobooth because Tallulah was too little for the "horses with chairs".

  4. Great pics! love that little red cowgirl hat (:

  5. I went to my first rodeo while visiting Denver. I loved it! Especially the mutton busting and stick rodeo. The New England gal had a blast.

  6. Ya we saw a little stick rodeo action it was pretty dang amusing.

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I so wanna go to the Rodeo next year! Great pics!

  8. Holy moly that is a cute outfit you have T Boz in!

    Next year I may say screw SXSW and do the rodeo instead.
