Monday, November 24, 2008

How Ya Hanging - Make Your Own Jewelry Holder

You’ve heard the slightly morbid old saying “there is more than one way to skin a cat”, well this old adage proves true when it comes to creating your own jewelry storage solutions. Today is part 2 of our 4 day jewelry display extravaganza and if you are completely perplexed about how best to show off your baubles we have a few suggestions and how-to guides.

One of the most popular ways to organize your earrings is the old standby the framed piece of screen. I know this is how I have my earrings displayed. I found several different methods to skin this particular cat.

For those of you that are visual learners check out this Decor It Yourself video where Meg walks you through making your very own earring holder.

The lovely Anne Marie Beard of Shop Austin has a handy and easy to follow tutorial on her blog.

Then from one of my favorite vintage craft books Don't Throw That Away I found a slightly different version of the project involving velvet!

Sometimes you can get lucky enough to create a jewelry holder out of items you already have lying around your house that virtually need nothing done to them other than to have jewelry on it.

Got an old belt with lots of holes or eyelets that you are no longer sporting out on the town? Well don’t sell that bad boy to Buffalo Exchange just yet, Ready Made magazine came up with a clever solution to breathe new life into that dated belt. Hang up the belt by its buckle, then slip hooks and posts through the holes until you’re ready to don your ear bobs.

If you own a copy of The Naughty Secretary Club: The Working Girls Guide to Handmade Jewelry you might have noticed that one of the many jewelry holders I have in my home include an old stamp carousel.

Using an old vinyl record to store your earrings seems to be the perfect companion to making a record bowl to hold your bracelets. You can buy some dang cute ones online like the one pictured from Retro Grandma or you can pop over to Craft Bits to learn how to make your very own. I’d like to point out that Craft Bits suggests poking the holes in the record with a hot needle, I say get yourself a Dremel and drill those holes!

Craft Lab guest and Richmond Craft Mafia member Kelly Ferrell came up with an adorable how-to jewelry holder project using one of my favorite things old suitcases. I just saw a vintage navy and white Samsonite at the thrift store I’m lamenting now because it could have been perfect to hold earrings.

Last but far from least are the amazing Hookers by Studio Normad, the picture is from a fun book called Flea Market Jewelry. No instructions on how to make your own here, but I bet with a pair of stilettos, paint and a sturdy nail you could figure it out.

I of course highly recommend giving handmade jewelry as a gift (might I suggest some Naughty Secretary Club), but a handmade jewelry holder is a close second. From suitcases to screens you have plenty of options to get you started. Remember to join the How Ya Hanging – Jewelry Display Flickr Group to show us what you come up with.

Tomorrow look for a peek into the homes of the ladies behind Felt Club, Handmade Detroit, 31 Corn Lane and more to see how they have their jewelry organized at home!


  1. this is awesome I love that morbid saying; my dad always said that...nostalgia can be gross I suppose

  2. my mom always says it. I wonder if people really used to skin cats? It's one of those "where in the hell did that come from" sayings.

  3. cool posts. I made a double screen last year for displaying my earrings I sold...I also really loved this idea by Elsie Flannigan...

  4. I love the belt idea. I currently have all my jewelry poorly organized in boxes. I may have to pull an old belt from my closet (or thrift one) and hang them up!

  5. I so needed this post! My jewelry (sadly) is sitting tangled in a big bowl on my dresser!

    Thank you! Thank you!

  6. I love to make my own handmade jewelry, so these jewelry case suggestions are great.

  7. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I absolutely LOVE this post. Thanks a zillion.

  8. Just to let you know that you are not only reaching a younger crowd, a 43 year old dad here, who is all thumbs, wanted to make something for his sweetheart this Christmas, and I actually BELIEVE I can do it, after having seem your vid.

    Awesome job! Thanks so much

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  10. great post!!! I am really glad to learn about this because it helps me to increase my knowledge. I really appreciate the construction of words in this post.

  11. I salute you for having these.

  12. Thanks for the superb tips and information. Will try to make one tomorrow ;)
